Thursday, January 2, 2014

How To Install Wine 1.7.9 in Red Hat, CentOS and Fedora

How To Install Wine 1.7.9 in Red Hat, CentOS and Fedora
Wine is an open source and free application for Linux that enables users to run any windows based application on Unix/Linux like operating system. Wine team is keep releasing their versions in every two weeks.

Finally, the Wine team proudly announced the development release of Wine 1.7.9 and made available for download in source and binary packages for various distributions such as Linux, Windows and Mac.

This release describes 25 months of development struggle and brings more than 10000 new individual changes. The core changes in this release are:

* Better window moving/resizing in the Mac driver
* Some DirectDraw palette fixes
* Compressed code duplication between C++ runtime versions
* Support for IPHLPAPI functions on Android
* Full window transparency support
* New Mono application for .Net software

As well as bunch of new improvements and support for many new games and applications, but they didn’t mentioned them in the new release change log list.

For a complete summary of major changes, See the release notes of Wine 1.7.9

In this article we will guide you a simplest way to install latest release of Wine 1.7.9 version using source code

1. Installing Dependency Packages
We need to install ‘Development Tools‘ with some core development tools such gcc, flex, bison, debuggers etc. these software’s are must required to compile and build new packages, install them using YUM command.

yum -y groupinstall 'Development Tools'
yum -y install libX11-devel freetype-devel

2. Downloading Wine 1.7.9
Download the source file using Wget command under /tmp directory as a normal User.

cd /tmp

3. Extracting Wine 1.7.9
Once the file is downloaded under /tmp directory, use the below commands to extract it.

tar -xvf wine-1.7.9.tar.bz2 -C /tmp/

4. Installing Wine 1.7.
It is recommended to compile and build Wine installer as a normal User. Run the following commands as normal user. (Note : The installer might take up-to 20-30 minutes and in the middle it will ask you to enter root password).

cd wine-1.7.9/

cd wine-1.7.9/
./configure --enable-win64
make install

Once the installation completes run the “winecfg” configuration tool from KDE or GNOME desktop to see the supported configuration. If you don’t have any of the desktop, you can install it by using the below command as root user.

yum groupinstall "X Window System" "GNOME Desktop Environment"
yum groupinstall "X Window System" "KDE (K Desktop Environment)"

Once the X Window System installed, run the command as normal user to see wine configuration.


5. Running Wine 1.7.9
To run the Wine, you must specify the full path to the executable program. For example shown below.

wine notepad
wine notepad.exe
wine c:\\windows\\notepad.exe

Wine is not perfect, because while using wine we see so many programs crashes. I think wine team will soon fix all bugs in their upcoming version and meanwhile do share your comments using our below form.


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