Sunday, January 5, 2014

How To Install 'LightDM' Display Manager in Linux Mint 16 Petra By Noobslab

How To Install 'LightDM' Display Manager in Linux Mint 16 Petra By Noobslab

LightDM is an X display manager that aims to be light, fast, extensible and multi-desktop. LightDM is a cross-desktop display manager that aims is to be the standard display manager for the X server. The most user visible aspect of the display manager is the login screen, however it also facilitates remote logins using the XDMCP protocol.
As you know Mint is getting away from Gnome and developing their own stuff for their distro, So this time is kind of difficult to install LightDM in Mint 16 but I managed to do it. So lets start!

1. To install LightDM in Linux Mint 16 open Terminal and copy the command:

sudo apt-get install -y lightdm gnome-settings-daemon indicator-session ubuntu-mono unity- gnome-control-center- light-themes unity-greeter/saucy
sudo /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-set-defaults -g unity-greeter

During installation terminal will ask to choose Display Manager, So select "LightDM" using 'Tab' and 'Enter' keys.

2. I was having issues with login, Lightdm wasn't logging into desktop. So this problem is solved with these commands:

cd && wget -O NoobsLab.desktop
sudo mv NoobsLab.desktop /usr/share/xsessions/

3. Remove Ubuntu Logo from LightDM

sudo rm /usr/share/unity-greeter/logo.png

4. Install Ubuntu-Tweak to make changes in 'Lightdm' copy following commands in the Terminal and follow the next image:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak

Open Ubuntu-Tweak > Go to Tweaks > select Login Settings, See the following image and same settings in Ubuntu-Tweak.
5. Restart PC then select desktop from LightDM and login. Now enter this command to remove test desktop file:

sudo rm /usr/share/xsessions/NoobsLab.desktop

Revert back to MDM (Mint Display Manager)
If you want to get back MDM simple enter following command in terminal and choose MDM option in Terminal:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure mdm