Friday, January 3, 2014

Using GQ View to view Jpegs

Using GQ View to view Jpegs
This post explains how to use GQ View, a simple image viewing application. It is very efficient and simple to use. I have been using this viewer for a long time and I have found no problems with this application. The software does not have many settings, so I also suggest this viewer for beginners.

When you start GQ View, the screen is (by default) divided into 3 parts. The left panel has 2 boxes, the top box displays the directory structure of your machine and the bottom box displays the contents of the selected directory. The right panel is the region where the selected image is displayed.

Browsing Directories : To reach the directory where files are stored, use the left panel. The left panel works with single clicks. So when you click on a directory name in the upper box it opens that directory and shows its contents in the lower box.

Viewing Single Images : Once the images that you want to view are listed in the bottom box on the left panel, click on any image. This image will be displayed in the right panel. You can continue doing so for all the images..

Sequential Viewing : To view all the images in a directory sequentially, first click on the first image to display it in the right panel. Then press the Spacebar or the Backspace key to go forward or backwards in the image list. Alternatively you can use the mouse buttons. The left mouse button to go forward and the middle button to go backwards in the image list. Remember to click inside the area where the images are displayed (the right side panel).

Full Screen mode : For this mode simply press Ctrl F (when the GQ View window is highlighted). This will show the currently selected image in Full Screen mode. To go to the next image press Spacebar. And to see the previous image use the Backspace key.

Windowed Mode (without side panel) : If you want to view the images only, without the side panel but NOT in Full Screen mode then click on the Float Control button (the last icon among the 9 icons that are present just above the directory selection box). This will make the side panel float . Once a particular image is displayed. You can click on this button and minimize the new panel which floats. The original window would be having the selected image. You can use the keyboard or mouse to view other images in the same directory. Spacebar / Backspace or Left / Middle mouse buttons.

Zooming : To zoom in on an image you can click on the magnifier icon with a + sign and to zoom out on an image you can click on the adjacent icon with a - sign on it. Sometimes the image is bigger than your screen and you can see only a portion of the image. Click on the 7th icon among the 9 icons (the icon in which 4 arrows point towards the sides of a square) make the image fit into the current window so that you can see the whole image at once. (Ofcourse you would be seeing a zoomed out version)

SlideShow : Check the Slideshow option which is simply excellent. Open the Options window and then select the time between the change in images (how much time each image should be on screen). Also select whether you want the slideshow to proceed in sequential or random manner, and whether you want the images to be repeated. Close the Options window, save your settings by pressing Ctlr-S. Then start your slideshow by pressing S. You can stop the slideshow by pressing S.

The Edit->Options Menu has a lot of more features which are very descriptive in nature. They are very easy to understand. So I won't explain them over here. The tips present in this article enable you to use GQ View effectively. You can explore other options to make maximum use of this excellent application.


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